Client: Cadillac, Interview Magazine, The Story Lab, and Gentex
Client: Cadillac, Interview Magazine, The Story Lab, and Gentex
The Horizon sculpture is comprised of 200 Gentex Rear Camera Mirrors (RCM). The mirrors form a floating ring; a circular boundary that extends the line of sight into another world, a three-dimensional digital space inspired by Marfa– desert, clouds, and hills. The interplay between the sky and landscape, their colors, forms, and textures as the day turns into night and cycles endlessly.
The RCMs act as a tangible interface between the ring and this digital world, tangible portals that flip the physical boundaries by opening to their digital extension.
Visitors are encouraged to manipulate these mirrors by touching and moving them freely. In this way, the virtual space becomes three-dimensional, unveiling the details of this extended horizon.
Horizon debut in Marfa, Texas at the 2017 Marfa Film Festival and was created for Cadillac, Interview Magazine, Gentex, and The Story Lab.
Special thanks to Noah Feehan, Casey Bloomquist, and Adria Navarro.